6 8 Mm - In a previous article, we looked at what steps can be taken if the Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) program is partially successful, in which the program participants cannot develop weapons, while at the same time providing a significant increase and greater armor penetration. In combination with fairly low recoil and acceptable weapons.

In this case, the weapons developed under the NGSW program would find a limited place in the United States Armed Forces in the form of the Light Machine Gun NGSW-AR and the Marksman Rifle NGSW-R. At the same time, most US troops are armed with conventional weapons chambered for 5, 56x45 mm or with slightly more powerful ammunition, for example, 6, 5x39 Grdel or 6, 8x43 Rem SPC cartridges. .

6 8 Mm

6 8 Mm

In this case, the response of the Russian armed forces and industry could be in the area of ​​relatively low-cost evolutionary development of existing weapons such as patch machine guns, SVD / microwave sniper rifles and Kalashnikov assault rifles or machine guns. Also they have ammunition 7, 62x54R, 7, 62x39 mm or 5, 45x39 mm.

Gimeg Slangpilaar Met Knelkoppeling 6/8 Mm Op Muurplaat

However, if NGSW members develop a weapon that provides a significant increase in range and greater armor penetration, combined with sufficiently low recoil and acceptable mass, advances in the simplicity of existing weapons and ammunition will not succeed. . In this article, we consider what options can be implemented for mutual decisions by industry in the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

As an example, one can cite the words of the former head of the Tula TsKIB SOO, Alexei Sorokin: "It is clear that promising systems of small arms for modernization (SALW) should be built on the basis of new ammunition. There are possibilities 5, 45 × 39 mm and 7, 62 × 54 mm cartridges are exhausted and practically Still not meeting the promising requirements. A few years ago, research was conducted on new ammunition for promising small arms and light weapons. , In my opinion, the work is interesting, the department institute did a very poor technical job in making a trial batch of cartridges. And comparative tests did not show an advantage over existing ammunition, Negative production .. discontinued. 7, 62 × 39 mm cartridge is speculative. "As we see, it is not the first time for Russia to borrow useful materials from the West. But only the caliber of the gun is worth borrowing. For example, it is better to start by creating a part of the apartment and creating a public discussion space corresponding to the same work "with them". In addition, it does not require additional money. Conversely, reduce the effort to categorize everything, and everything will be saved. Unless the "secret" turns out to be "not from strangers, but from them".

TsKIB SOO, a division of KBP JSC (Tula), develops not only weapons but also ammunition. In the photo there are cartridges for underwater shooting PSP (with bullets made of tungsten alloy) and PSP-UD two medium machine guns "ADS" caliber 5, 45x39 mm.

And another contradiction: "According to a request for information dated July 8, 2019, the US Army Contracting Command, on behalf of Picatinny Arms, the Military Research and Production Agency, seeks information from industry regarding possible production, testing costs and new 6, 8 designed for use with weapons under the NGSW program. Distribution of mm caliber ammunition. Consider the use of equipment».

Qs 8 6

Since the announcement of a single cartridge for small arms, countless cartridges of different capacities and targets have been released. Perhaps from this source began the search for perfect ammunition, first for rifles and machine guns, and for machine guns, which continues not only on the pages of specialized Internet resources, but also on the walls of defense institutions and organizations. have Often, in the search for the "ideal" caliber, it is forgotten that the diameter of the bullet is one of the characteristics of ammunition, and cartridges with fundamentally different characteristics can be realized within the framework of one caliber.

Cartridges 7, 92x57 mm and 7, 92x94 mm with almost the same bullet, with initial energy, respectively, 3567 J and 10673 J

Generally the choice of the best ammunition is surrounded by legs, one of which is the widespread belief that a suitable cartridge for an assault rifle should be a 6.5 mm caliber cartridge, proposed in 1913 by VG. Fedor 1913 cartridge 6, his design for automatic rifle 5x57 mm. Cartridge 6, 5х57 mm VG. Fedorov developed not only standard but also armored bullets with a tungsten alloy core.

6 8 Mm

The cartridge 6, 5X57 mm was never adopted by the Russian and Soviet armies, and therefore it is possible to talk about its potential advantages only in the story of an alternative format.

X Glashouder, Glasklemmen Voor 6 8 Mm Glas

At the end of the 19th - at the beginning of 20 meters, many cartridges of 6, 5 mm caliber were produced - this is the Italian cartridge 6, 5 × 52 mm Mannlicher-Carcano, and the Swedish 6, 5 × 55 SE. mm Swedish Mauser, and the Japanese 6, 5 × 50SR Areska, which V.G. Federov used the 6.5x57mm cartridge in his rifle.

Finally, in the 20th century, caliber 7, 62 mm ammunition and 5, 45 / 5, 56 mm low-pulse cartridges dominated by a large margin. Given the funds invested in defense research by the world's major powers, this choice cannot be said to be unreasonable.

However, the story is built on a spiral, and the development of promising ammunition of 6-7 mm can be claimed among promising weapons.

In the Soviet Union, systematic studies were conducted on the promise of small arms and ammunition for this purpose. As can be seen from the previous article, the amount of work done in the course of the American NGSW program in the Soviet Union and Russia during the competition for the automatic evolution of the "Ratnik" tool machine is not close. What was implemented in the Soviet Union was part of the solution to the same problem.

Verloop Huls 6 8mm Metaal

An interesting ammunition for small arms, about which there is no exact information, is the 6x49 mm cartridge, which was developed by the experts of the Kotral Scientific Research Institute of Precision Manufacturing (TSNIITOCHMASH) in XX category 80. The 6x49 mm cartridge rifle and machine gun ammunition is designed to engage targets protected by personal armor protection (NIB) at a distance of 1000 meters. The predecessor of the 6x49 mm cartridge, the 1975x6 mm cartridge, was developed over 54 years, with an initial velocity of 5-gram bullet of 1080 m/s. In some parts of the trajectory cartridge 6x54 mm bullet power was higher and in others it was comparable to the bullet of cartridge 7, 62x54R.

The 6x49 mm cartridge has more characteristics with smaller dimensions than the 6x54 mm cartridge. A bullet weighing 5 g was accelerated to a speed of 1150 m/s, but the recoil momentum was 25-30% lower than that of the cartridge 7, 62x54R.

From left to right, 6x54 mm cartridges, 6x49 mm with a normal bullet with a steel core, 6x49 mm with an armor-piercing bullet with a steel core, 6x49 mm with an armor-piercing bullet with a tungsten cobalt core X, xNUM with a core core, X mm normal x, with a normal core bullet, X x NUM x mm with normal core, N x 6x49 mm with modified sleeve and large core with experienced bullet. For comparison, on the right is a 6 mm caliber Fedorov cartridge

6 8 Mm

Small arms prototypes were created under this cartridge - sniper rifle TKB-0145K developed by TsKIB SOO and SVK, SVK-S.

Defensa Y Armas: Cartuchos En Calibre 6.8 X 51 Mm Y Vaina De Polímero Para Fusiles Y Ametralladoras

Obviously, the 6x49mm cartridge is the most advanced and promising ammunition developed in the Soviet Union/Russia. How appropriate is it to consider the weapon a competitor to an automatic rifle developed under the American NGSW program?

As we said earlier, in the case of negative results regarding the NGSW program, most US military personnel will have more powerful conventional weapons based on 5, 56x45 mm caliber or 6, 5x39 cartridges. Underarms. With Grdel or 6, 8x43 Rem SPC type

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